How HR tools can help your department go paperless

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Employment contracts, position descriptions, staffing policies, termination checklists – what does all this paperwork have in common? The time you spend on it detracts from what really matters; staff retention and engagement.

These days, the world of Human Resources is swamped with documents – not all of which are managed efficiently. Ninety-eight per cent of businesses surveyed by Forrester Research reported revenue loss from mishandling HR paperwork.

Your Hiring Manager may want you to find a way to retain top talent, but how are you supposed to when drowning in paperwork? By using a document and workflow management system. Here’s how these HR tools can eradicate monotonous paperwork.

Automate your HR processes

Make your workflows, documents, and signatures digital. An HR workflow system allows you to automate cumbersome, manual processes.

Take the hiring process for example, it is paper intensive and requires loads of approvals. Many HR workflow systems have a drag and drop interface, so you can easily create or edit a recruitment process at the click of a mouse.

You can also convert position descriptions, offer and acceptance letters, and contracts into an electronic format. The system will automatically route HR paperwork to managers for approval and send letters to applicants at each stage of the hiring process.

Staff and applicants can then view, edit, and sign-off on documents electronically. Plus, the system will notify you when this happens and remind managers to approve an application. No more time wasted finding out where something’s at or following-up on pesky signatures.

HR tools for a paperless office

Standardise HR workflows and documents

Many HR units haven’t nailed standardising their HR processes, with many varying from one department to the next. By automating your HR workflows, you can create standard processes for everyone to follow. Meaning, less room for errors or costly mistakes.

In a busy office environment, HR document management is often neglected. Many HR professionals find themselves recreating and rehashing documents. Digital HR document management tools allow you to create master electronic templates to use time and again. Not only will everyone will use the latest version of a document, there’s no confusion over which one to use. Also, staff can access the newest version of HR policies to keep up-to-date.

Save time by signing on the digital line

How many of your HR documents require signatures? All too often, staff must print, sign, and scan their timesheets, contracts, and evaluations. Electronic signatures put an end to all that rigmarole. They save time so you close agreements in hours, instead of days. Digital signatures are also secure and legally binding – just like old-school hand written ones.

Embrace the HR cloud

The future is cloud. Many human resources departments are already adopting cloud-based HR tools to manage and store employee files. Why? Because cloud document management systems capture everything electronically, giving HR staff access to documents anytime, on any internet-powered device, and all in one place.

Cloud-based HR systems also store digital records securely, granting access to files based on document type and/or employee role. When a staff member exits your company, you can archive their files electronically (up in the cloud) saving precious storage space.

The good news is, if you already have a human resource management system, you can integrate it with a cloud-based HR solution thanks to an API.

Although human resources and paperwork go hand-in-hand, there are far better ways to manage desk work. By automating your processes and digitising documents with clever HR tools, you’ll spend less time on the dull stuff. And, with more time to spare, you can focus on staff and retaining that top talent you sourced.

Want to trial an HR tool that will help reduce your paperwork? Get exclusive access to test the Accordium platform.

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