Showcase your tech company with personalised sales videos

Ensuring your tech company or start-up gets noticed in a crowded marketplace is a difficult challenge. With so many new brands and innovative products constantly emerging, you need to stand out from your competitors. And as you attract more and more leads, you need to make sure you convert them.

Accordium helps you do just that. It helps you raise awareness about your tech business. It gets you noticed and  keeps you front of mind during a long sales cycle. And it closes more deals – all with personalised sales videos.

Using personal sales videos can help you increase...

Open rates by 65%

Email replies by 76%

Deal closing by 32%

It’s quick and simple for tech companies to record personalised sales videos

Do you want to stand out from your competitors? Do you want to connect to more prospects? Do you want to close deals faster, and move onto new business sooner?

Accordium helps you do all of this. It’s quick, it’s simple, it’s easy to get started right away.

Record your own personal, 90 second video straight from your browser

Attach proposals, presentations or brochures and send to prospects.

Accordium e-Signature

Monitor open rates, clicks & videos watched and act at the optimal moment

Build trust and demonstrate innovation

In an industry where reputation and innovation is everything, it’s essential that you and your sales reps can develop a personal connection with your clients. You need to show prospects that your organisation is different (with what you do and how you approach the sales process) and that you understand their needs and concerns. That’s why you’ve created a tech start-up.

Personalised videos speak directly to your prospects, building trust, developing a positive relationship and keeping them engaged through a long sales cycles.

They help you explain your business in a clear, relevant and engaging way – cutting through the noise and clearly showcasing how you can solve their problems.

Try it - it takes less than a minute.

Streamline your pipeline

Personalised videos help your tech company to stand out against the competition. They get you noticed in inboxes, and they let you communicate directly with all the important decision makers. Get the same, targeted message across to everyone that matters.

With a video sales strategy, you can streamline your pipeline and close deals faster. Personal video messages help you quickly and easily consult with your clients, address their problems and offer the right solutions – ahead of your competition. Accordium helps you get to the final stage of the deal, faster.

Reduce admin time

Most importantly, personalised sales videos help you focus on the relationship you have with your clients – immediately overcoming any potential problems or objections. They help you spend time on closing fewer, higher value deals.

Sending a personal video message creates that unique rapport with your prospects. They can put a face to a name. They’ll remember you. They’ll remember your proposal. And they’re more likely to buy from you.

Accordium helps you address any questions or queries directly, in a personal manner. You don’t need to spend the time answering messages or responding to objections, because your sales reps have already dealt with all of these personally. Your video messages do the heavy lifting – all that’s left is to close the deal.

How does Accordium support start-ups and tech companies?

Personalised sales videos can help any tech start-up to streamline their pipeline and increase their sales through:

  • Cold prospecting – Getting noticed and making a head start on that first meeting
  • Warm introductions – Providing a more personal approach to what your business can offer
  • Sharing forms and proposals – Engaging prospects and explaining the usefulness of sent collateral
  • Closing deals – Addressing concerns, answering questions and getting contracts signed

Tech companies are using Accordium every day to create their own sales videos

Amazing support and personal …

“Super nice tool, very easy to use and the in built wizards are fantastic. The Accordium crew are right there should you have any questions at all.”

Works like a charm and the flow is …

“Works like a charm and the flow is really easy.
Looking forward to the next features coming up.”

Super fast and convenient to use …

“Super fast and convenient to use for the clients.
We got our first contracts signed couple of minutes after uploading them!”

Book a Demo - It takes less than a minute

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