Ebook – the #1 Sales Trend in 2019: Personalisation | Accordium

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That’s probably a question you ask yourself all the time, whether you’re a sales rep, business development manager or CEO.

How can we reach more prospects and engage with them? How can we grab their attention and build rapport? How we can develop a relationship with them and secure a follow-up meeting?

The answer is personalisation.

Personalisation helps you overcome the ‘cold-calling’ nature of B2B sales, which persists despite all the new technology at our fingertips.

Personalisation helps you be more focused with your message and your communication, to stand out in your prospects inbox and show businesses you can solve the problems they’re facing.

And personalisation helps you build trust. It gives you the tools you need to truly engage your prospects and develop a personal relationship; one that will pay dividends in the future.

Personalisation is important in B2B sales.

It’s so important, that we’ve put together an eBook about it. The importance of personalisation in B2B sales.

In it, you’ll find out exactly what personalisation is. We’ve touched on why it’s important here – but we go into more detail about:

  • How we’re all still human, even when we’re at work
  • Why prospects expect some form of personalisation today
  • And how automated communications could be letting your business down

We then go into some of the benefits personalisation can bring to your business.

An increased revenue is one of the main reasons to personalise your sales process

There’s clear evidence that increasing the personalisation of your communications with prospects will help you bring more money into the business.

You will increase the likelihood of someone noticing your email and opening it up – to hear what you have to say.

You’ll boost the chances of you securing a meeting – and the ability to pitch directly to decision makers.

And you will be far more likely to close the deal when you personalise your messages to prospects – overcoming any buying objections on a tailored, one to one basis.

Personalisation can boost revenue by increasing the value of your deals too. Research by Segment found that 40% of customers opted to buy a more expensive product because of the personalisation they received in the buying process.

And here’s another reason to use personalisation – it’s good for your brand

People buy from people. That’s always been true. More and more businesses are realising they need to shift their offering to reflect this, to humanise their brand.

Personalisation helps you do just that.

It gives you the opportunity to associate a face with a name, to be recognised in your prospects’ inboxes and to move away from offering just a commoditised product.

It lets you stand out, be personal, and win more deals – as you’ll see in our eBook.

Learn more about the 5 essential reasons to introduce personalisation into your pipeline today – by downloading our eBook on The Importance of Personalisation in B2B sales.

Download the Ebook Now!

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